Help for the Customer Dashboard

OnePosting Customer Care -

Click 'Customers' on the top left, then 'Main Dashboard' from the blue menu bar.  This shows your 'Customer Dashboard', which contains useful information in graphical format.

There are four areas to the Customer Dashboard.

Message Channel Activity
This gives an overview of the different channels (electronic, postal) that your invoices have been sent through and the volumes that have been sent to 'new' customers (customers receiving a message through that channel for the first time), and a total figure for each channel on a monthly basis.

Channel Breakdown
This displays a breakdown of the messages sent to customers over the previous three months, and the channels through which the messages were sent.

Registration Activity
This shows a month-by-month breakdown of newly registered customers.

Registration Breakdown
This displays a breakdown of registration activity (e.g. customers who have registered, been invited to register, never been invited to register).

Below the Registration Breakdown there are links to other customer-specific areas such as customers who have been invited to register and have not done so, and customers who have never been asked to register.

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