How to manage Approvers within your organisation

OnePosting Customer Care -

Click 'Members' on the top left and then 'My Organisation' from the blue menu.  Then select 'Manage Members' from the left hand menu to show all members within your organisation, and details on each member's account and permissions.  You can search for a member using the search above the member list.

To create a new member in your organisation, click 'Create Member', enter their email, name and other details including Access Settings, Nominal Settings, Invitation Details and Screening Settings.

To view/edit a member's account, click 'Work With' beside the member's email, and 'Edit Member Details' at the top or bottom of the page if you wish to edit details such as Access Settings, Nominal Settings, Invitation Details or Screening Settings.

You can apply other options such as 'Mark Inactive' and 'Approve for Final Imports' to one or more members by clicking the check boxes beside their email addresses, and then clicking the relevant option.

Access Settings   Grant certain access to your organisation's members, allowing them to approve invoices prior to being accepted or imported into your back-office system. Granting Administration Access allows the member to add further members to your organisation
Nominal Settings   Specify certain accounts for which the member will have responsibility
Invoices and Other Document Screening   Specify a type of PO number that should be directed to this member, and specify notification settings
Invitation Settings   If you would like to notify the member of their invitation, leave this box ticked

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