How to upload an Insert to be sent with Invoices or Statements

OnePosting Customer Care -

Inserts can be company newsletters, marketing letters or notifications of any kind. They are not customer-specific, so the same insert is sent to all customers. However they can be channel-specific, so inserts can be sent in postal envelopes only or digital envelopes only, or by both channels.

Inserts must be saved as PDF documents prior to uploading to OnePosting, otherwise they will not be included in envelopes.

Login and click 'Documents' on the top left.  If you have access to more than one company profile on OnePosting, please ensure you are viewing the correct Business unit (using the dropdown on the top right).

- From the 'Documents' on the blue bar menu, select 'Templates/Inserts'.
- Click Add Document Template.
- Enter a Name for the Document - this is what your customer sees in digital envelopes.
- Select a document type of Insert.
- Select a Frequency of Always include.
- Enter the start and end dates between which this insert will be sent.
- For the Insert Position select At End.
- Click 'Choose File', navigate to your saved PDF, and select it.
- Click 'Upload File', and when uploaded the screen will return to the top.  The insert is not yet applied to envelopes - Ignore the comment stating 'No file is chosen'.
- If you want the insert to go with digital envelopes, tick 'Include in Email Notifications' in the Email Channel settings section.
- If you want the insert to go with postal envelopes, tick 'Include in Postal Envelopes' in the Postal Channel settings section. Leave 'Is External Insert' unticked.
- In 'Print Format' select the required option.  We recommend Simplex Black & White as this is the most cost effective for you. Printing in colour or duplex (both sides of the page) incurs a higher charge. Please contact your account manager for details of additional charges for printing in colour.
- Click Create Item to save.

The Templates & Inserts screen is displayed showing the insert you just added. Click 'View' to ensure the PDF looks correct on screen.

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