How to create a supplier

OnePosting Customer Care -

Suppliers are added to OnePosting after they have been setup and a supplier reference has been assigned to them in your back office system

To create a supplier, first click 'Suppliers' from the top left, then from the 'Supplier' menu on the blue menu bar select 'Create Supplier'.

There are three key pieces of information when adding a new supplier:

  1. Supplier Reference must match the back office system
  2. Supplier contact email address
  3. PO matching required?

Add Supplier key fields

Supplier Account Reference   Reference that you use to identify your supplier. This must exactly match the reference in your back office system for this supplier.
Supplier Name   Name of your supplier
Address   Supplier's address
Country Select the country from the list
Currency  Select the relevant currency
Payment Method Select the relevant option from the list

Invoice Approval Settings

Where PO matching is required.
PO Management Type: Select Purchase Order Match
PO Line Check Mandory: Tick this to turn it on.
PO Required/Mandatory: Tick the box.

Where Supplier Catalogues are maintained and PO matching is required.
PO Management Type: Select Purchase Order Match
Catalogue Check: Select Product Catalogue Price Match
PO Required/Mandatory: Tick the box.

Direct Invoices with no PO
PO Management Type: Reference Match – Standard Line Approvals
Catalogue Check: Select Purchase Account Catalogue Match
PO Required/Mandatory: Leave this Un-Ticked.

Primary Contact Details   Supplier's primary contact details.  This is used by the system to send POs if required but also to update the supplier with system messages such as Duplicate invoices sent etc

Now click 'Create Supplier'. You can also use 'Mark Active/Inactive' with individual suppliers. A supplier is automatically set as active once they are created. You can then switch them between active and inactive.


Assign to Cost Centres

Suppliers must be assigned to cost centres POs to be raised against the supplier from that cost centre. Its good practice to add the supplier to their relevant cost centres after adding them. 

When viewing the supplier select the Cost Centres link from the left hand menus. Tick the Cost centres to assign the supplier to and click Assign.

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