Running Transaction Upload Reports

Second Line Support -

There are three key reports available to users to analyse document upload and activity in OnePosting.

These are available in the reports are of the system. To access the reports area do the following


  • Select 'Reports' from the 'Others' drop down in the top left of the screen. This brings you to the Reports zone.
  • Select All Reports on the Blue menu option bar.
  • The different reports sections are shown with an option to expand and view all reports in that section. 
  • For these reports expand the 'Data Uploads' section.
  • You will now see the following three reports 
    1. ARUA - AR Upload Activity Report: Summary of documents uploaded and how they were sent out.
    2. ARUM - AR Upload Messages Sent: Detailed breakdown of where each envelope was sent, Postal & Email
    3. ARUT - AR Upload Transactions: Detailed breakdown of all invoices uploaded to OnePosting.

To run a report do the following;

  • Click on the Report you want to run. The Run option is displayed on the right
  • Click Run Report
  • On the following screen, enter the dates you wish to analyse.
  • Use the Download XLS option to run the report.
  • When the report has ran, an Excel Icon is displayed to allow you to open the results in MS Excel

    Click the Icon to download and open. 


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