Track Invoice Activity Screen

Padraig Kelly -


If you have been asked to submit invoices to one of your customers through OnePosting you can use this screen to track the progress of those invoices.

Accessing the Track Invoices screen


  1. To access the screen go to and click login.
  2. Select the Login location in which your customer is based ie Europe or North America.
  3. From the links in the top left corner of the screen click 'Customers'
  4. Click the 'Track Invoices' option from the blue menu bar.


How to use the screen

Organisations you are connected to:
Your company will be displayed in the Connection assigned to your profile list at the top of the screen. If you administer invoices for more than one company they are all listed in this section. Select 'View' beside companies to view invoices for that company.

Exporting data to Excel
The 'Export List' button will export the results of your search to an excel file to allow you to work and sort issues more easily. This is extremely useful when there are more than one pages of results returned as it will export all to excel.

Screen Filters
The screen will open with the 'Rejected - Requires Attention'  filter on.
(Or whatever filter you last selected when you last logged in)

The filters available on this screen are;

Awaiting OnePosting Clearance: These are invoices that OnePosting are working on before they are released to your customer for approval.
When OnePosting receive an invoice or credit note for the first time from a supplier, OnePosting need to create a map of the document so the system can extract the data for your client. Once the map is completed, all future documents that meet the same layout are processed automatically without delay. Occasionally there can be a change to the layout or there is a difference that requires OnePosting to revisit the document map for your documents. In either of these cases the invoices will be listed as Awaiting OnePosting clearance.
Received and Awaiting Customer Approval Invoices are in the system and require your customer to approve them. Sometimes this can require a number of people to approve them depending on the AP requirements of your customers.
Approved / Processed These invoices have been fully approved by your customer and exported to the AP system where they are queued for payment. 
Note: OnePosting have no further information regarding the payment status of an invoice once it has been approved and exported to the customers back office system.
Rejected Requires Attention Invoices can be rejected automatically by the system due to a missing PO number or a missing Cost Centre/Store Number reference depending on what your customer has requested you to provide. Scanned images of paper invoices will also be rejected as will invoices with line totals that do not add up to the invoice totals.
Your customer can also reject invoices due to issues with the invoice details. 
All rejected invoices are shown with this filter and require your attention to resolve.
Rejected Resolved Any invoice that was rejected but a subsequent, corrected copy of the invoice was sent in will also show in the rejected resolved view. This is to give visibility that an earlier copy was sent and rejected but it does not require attention because a valid copy is in the system now. 
Also if an invoice is sent a second time and the previous copy has already been approved and exported, the second copy is automatically listed in the rejected resolved category. 
Cancelled  If an invoice has been paid or is no longer required to go through OnePosting you can cancel them to remove them from the system. All cancelled invoices are listed in this view.



Invoices and Credit Notes can be viewed by selecting the required filter and using the date field ranges to limit the number of items displayed. 
Note: Only 500 records will be displayed if you are returning 500 records you should refine your search dates.

Columns displayed in the results table:

Options The PDF link will display a PDF copy of the invoice. 
The Source link displays the file in which the document was originally sent. Invoices can be sent as part of a large PDF containing multiple invoices. The system splits the large PDF into individual invoices. The source link will show the large PDF file.
From and To Indicates the Supplier (Your Company) and the Customer you are sending to. Some people administer invoices for multiple comapnies. This field gives clarity on the company being viewed. 
Note: To change companies click View beside the relevant company in the list shown under connection assigned to your profile at the top of the screen.
References This displays the Invoice number or in the case of files that are not processed or are not in the correct format ie scanned images saved as PDFs, the filename is displayed.
PO Purchase Order number on the Invoice
Value Gross value of the invoice or Credit.
Cost Centre / Store The cost centre or store number to which the invoice is assigned.
First Receipted Date the invoice was sent to OnePosting
Date on Document Invoice date as displayed on the invoice file.
Status / Issues Indicates the current status of the invoice and in the Rejected requires attention view offers links to screens to update the Cost Centre / Store number or change the PO number.
Note: The Additional Info link displays details entered by your customers AP dept. when they were manually rejecting the invoice.


Handling Rejected Invoices

By ticking only the Rejected - Requires Attention filter and leaving the date fields empty all invoices that have NOT been delivered and require your attention will be loaded.

If these invoices have not been paid you will need to fix the issue outlined in the status column and resubmit them.

Missing or Incorrect Store / Cost Centre number 
If the issue is an incorrect or missing Store or Cost Centre number, click on the 'Edit Cost Centre / Store' link. 
A window will be loaded with a list of your customers active store numbers. Scroll through the list and click Assign against the relevant number. This will update the system and remove the invoice from the rejected list and send it back to your customer. 
Note: The PDF will not be updated ie the old number will still be shown but within the system it will direct it to the store you selected for approval. The selected store will be shown in the bottom left corner of the PDF for reference.

Missing or Incorrect Purchase Order Number

To add or edit a PO number click the 'Fix PO Number' link.
A window will be loaded displaying the Invoice and offers a field to enter the correct PO number. When done click submit. This will remove the invoice from the rejected view and submit it back to your customer for approval.

Other Reject Issues

If your invoice was rejected for a different reason relating to the detail of the invoice, you will need to edit the invoice accordingly in your system and resend the invoice. If the resent invoice shares the same invoice number, the Invoice on your 'Reject Requires Attention' list will automatically be moved to the 'Rejected - Resolved' view.
If you cannot edit the invoice in your system but the invoice needs to be changed you may need to credit the first and raise a new version of the invoice and send it through. In this case you should cancel the invoice in the 'Rejected - Requires Attention' view. This will remove it from the rejected list and store it on the cancelled list.

What if you feel the original Invoice is correct and requires no change?

You can resubmit an invoice by using either the Fix PO or edit Store number options. Entering/ Selecting the same value as already on your invoice and submitting.

What if a Rejected invoice has been paid?

If an invoice has been paid you can just cancel the invoice by ticking the check box in the left hand column and clicking the Cancel button in the table header.


Checking what invoices have been submitted through OnePosting

Some suppliers do not have visibility in their own system to check how an invoice was sent or if it was sent. This screen gives suppliers visibility of what invoices have been sent to your customer through OnePosting.

Tick all of the filter options to include them in the search. It is best to use the date fields when checking all filtered options as the number of invoices returned can be too large to be displayed. 

Click 'Refresh' when ready.

Use the 'Export List' option to export the returned data to excel to allow you to sort, search and filter further as required.

If there are exactly 500 records returned, refine your search dates and refresh again - best to search week by week or month by month if looking for large ranges of dates.

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